
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Should i marry?I am an 18 year old girl; completed my BA and I live in a joint family system. My father and 2 uncles live together. My father and elder uncle; both are cardiac patients and the whole family takes care of them. The son of my elder uncle has done Matric and helps his father in business. I am tall, he is 3inches shorter than me .We have grown up together. A few days back he told me that his father wants him to marry me and that he also likes me and wishes the same. I already knew that my cousin wanted to marry me but i was quiet because of his short-height and low education. The problem is that since my father and uncle both are heart-patients, if I say no to this proposal, things might turn for the worst as he has already said he will marry me only or never get married at all. Kindly advise me what I should do as I am very worried and confused. (S.A - Multan)

Advice: I received your detailed letter. You like your cousin. Forget about height. What will you do if you have a husband who is tall, smart and educated but constantly nags you and doesn’t take care of you? Both of you were brought up together and you like each other, the family also wishes that both of you get married. Keeping all these things in mind don't bother about height. Marry him. Your friends will be happy for you once they see you happily married .They won't taunt you .Good proposals don't come easy .There are some families who marry within same cast and don't consider proposals out of family .Girls stay unmarried if there is no match in the family. Parents take well thought off decisions about their children's future. Don’t worry...everything will be fine after marriage.

What should I eat?

I live in a village next to Sargodha. Good medicinal facilities are not available here .My face is getting dull .I also have to do a lot of work here. I get tired by evening. What should i eat to cure vitamin deficiencies? (Kaneez Fatima - Sheikhupura)

Advice: You live in a village dear, and you are talking about medicines! It is the season of oranges...these fruits are reservoirs of vitamin C, eat lots of them, drink its juice. You can take a small plastic jug for extracting juice. You can easily buy a jug for 10 to 15 rupees. Help yourself with a glass of juice. When you can have 30mg Vitamin C from a single orange why bother to buy medicines. You can meet your nutritional demand easily with fresh milk, butter and fruits. Rub your face with freshly grinded orange peels then wash your face with gram flour, you won't require any face mask or cream. Your face shall regain its freshness and stay soft. You will also be saving yourself from seasonal flu and fever with the help of these fruits. If the oranges are sour, add a pinch of sugar or salt.

What will my students say?

I have been teaching since last 15 years. Nowadays young generation considers itself too smart. I live in difficult circumstances .My life is full of grievances. A few days back I don’t know why but I got so depressed while teaching that I got teary eyed .It was an embarrassing situation …teacher crying in front of her students…..what would they think about me ! I controlled myself that day , but now that I think of it I noted that my students put across statements about my private life ,may be they want to tell me I am at fault somehow .I don’t feel like going there to teach again ,but I can’t leave the job either . Guide me! (Raheela- Rawalpindi)

Advice: There are moments in one’s life when a person is overwhelmed with emotions to an extent that he cries .You are a brave woman .You have been facing hardships boldly for the last 15years .By mingling with your students and listening to their day-to-day issues, it can give u sanctity of mind .Sit with your students confidently (it will take a little effort) .Respect and give due importance to their emotions .You will see that very soon they will become your fan .You won’t be having anything to worry about your students once you succeed .Life is beautiful but time is limited .Offer Prayers 5 times a day and pray to Almighty Allah. Show gratitude to HIM .HE gave you knowledge and good health .It is an old saying that if you are an educator you will learn from your student’s. Don’t complain about your students. Once you become friends with them, many of your troubles will vanish.


I am 14years old and physically frail .I have dark circles around my eyes .My complexion is pale. I am anorexic .I feel very weak during my monthly cycle. I am suffering from inferiority complex .I am bothered about being short, frail, and skinniest of all. (Sawera- Murdan)

Advice: Miss Sawera, I got your letter. Who told you about inferiority complex in seventh class? You are too young to worry about these things .There must be lot of fruits in your village; do have them! Eat 8 to 10 apricots daily in this season. Have an egg, a glass of milk, 5 dates and a chapatti in breakfast .Take vegetables and fruits in lunch. Banana milkshake would be good for you ,or you can eat two bananas and drink a glass of milk on top of it .Massage olive oil on the dark circles around your eyes at night. You may have 7 almonds along with milk and a teaspoon of raisins to go with it(soak the almond and raisins overnight in half a cup of water).Eat these along with a glass of milk and then skip dates that day. It seems you don’t offer prayers regularly .There are lots of benefits in offering prayers 5 times a day .You will be serene and your face will beautify .Dullness will disappear .So do offer prayers regularly .You will be perfectly fine .If you have discontinued your studies recite The Holy Quran at home.

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